
The tangerine is a cross between the mandarin orange and the bitter orange, and is named for the main mandarin shipment port of Tangier, Morocco. Today, tangerines are grown mainly in the southeastern United States. This loose-skinned orange hybrid is a deep, almost red color, and peels easily.


  • Anti Septic: Staphylococcus Aureus! Yes! This is the species of bacteria which is responsible for this dreaded situation of infection called septic. Septic is a real bad stuff. It is not only limited to mere swelling and reddening of the wounds, with acute pain. If not checked, it quickly spreads to the other parts of the body and affects them, even if there are no wounds there. It causes acute pain, immobility and hardening of joints, acute contraction and cramp in muscles, swelling, redness, fever and convulsions. It readily attacks the new born babies as their skin is vulnerable to infections. It also attacks them when they are detached from their mother’s body by cutting the umbilical cord. The Essential Oil of Tangerine contains certain components which kill these bacteria and stops its spreading, thereby helping cure septic. It can be externally applied on open wounds as well as taken orally for having a uniform effect on the whole body.
  • Anti Spasmodic: Spasm may be a small word but its effects may be widespread and highly damaging. Spasm is not restricted to muscular cramps only. It can happen in respiratory system, digestive system and nervous system also and can cause breathing troubles, asthma, congestion, severe coughs, spasmodic diarrhoea and cholera, nervous afflictions and convulsions. The Essential Oil of Tangerine induces relaxations in the organic systems named above and gives relief from spasm.
  • Cytophylactic: Certain components of this oil stimulate generation of new cells, or more precisely, cell division, and recycling of the cellular matter in the body. This does not only promote general growth of the body but also helps heal or repair the regular wear and tear and outstanding damages done to the body.
  • Depurative: An agent that purifies blood is called a depurative. The Tangerine Essential Oil is one such depurative. It helps in the excretion or removal of the toxic and unwanted substances such as uric acid, pollutants, extra salt and water from the body through sweat, urine and excreta etc. as well as increases the oxygen retaining capacity of the erythrocytes (red blood cells), thereby refreshing or purifying the blood.
  • Sedative: The Essential Oil of Tangerine soothes. It soothes all types of inflammations and hyperactivity in all the systems functioning in our body, namely, the respiratory system, circulatory system, digestive system, nervous system and the excretory system. It sedates inflammation due to fever, intrusion of poisonous substances in the blood stream from external sources, convulsions, anxiety, stress, hypersensitivity of allergy etc. It also sedates depression, anger and impulsive responses.
  • Stomachic: Being a stomachic, the Essential Oil of