
Chestnuts are different from other nuts in that they are low in fat and have high starch content. They have a crumbly texture and a sweet, mild flavor. Chestnut are usually eaten boiled or roasted and are often added to stuffing or soups, or served as a side dish. It can also be ground into flour and used for baking. Chestnut is most abundant during winter season but canned and bottled peeled chestnuts are available year-round.


  • Chestnut is a good body builder food and recommended in cases of emaciation (wasting away of body tissues).
  • Chestnut aids in the care of the teeth and treatment of pyorrhea.
  • The leaves are used as remedy in fever.
  • Chestnut is use in convulsive cough such as whooping cough and in other condition of the respiratory organ.
  • Chestnut can help repair microscopic holes and leaks in blood vessels and capillaries; it can also help make the vein wall elastic therefore preventing swelling and damage.