Brazil nuts are the seeds of Bertholletia excelsa, a large tree that is grown in various parts of world, not just Brazil. The nuts, in groups of 12 to 25 much like the sections of an orange, form the globular fruit of the tree.Benefits
Brazil nuts contain many helpful nutrients including protein, fiber, selenium, magnesium, phosphorous, vitamin E and thiamine. The Brazil nut contains about 14% protein,11% carbohydrates, and 67% fat.Brazil nuts have “complete” protein which means that the Brazil nut has all of the necessary amino acids to help foster optimal growth in humans. Organic Brazil nuts can be a good source of protein for people who are vegetarians.
Selenium, found in brazil nuts, is a powerful antioxidant linked to lower rates of cancer and heart disease and also helps boost the immune system along with possibly discouraging the aging process.
Magnesium, also found in brazil nuts, aids the release of energy from foods to assist nerve and muscle function and keep bones healthy. Zinc helps strengthen the immune system as well and Vitamin E can help prevent heart disease.